5 Reasons to Use a Courier Service For Shipping Large Items
If there’s one thing that business owners from across all industries can agree on, it’s that sending large packages can be a pain. Shipping large items is more expensive, they’re not easy to handle, and they’re an overall pain to deal with.
Luckily, there’s something business owners can use to make shipping easier for items of all sizes. A courier service makes shipping and delivering items simple. Curious about how a courier can help your business? Read on to learn more!
Reasons to Use Courier Services for Shipping Large Items
The small amount of money you spend to hire a courier service to help when you’re shipping large items will be well worth the benefits. There’s a reason why so many big-name retailers rely on couriers for their most important shipping needs.
Are you not convinced that your business could benefit from courier services on your biggest deliveries? After you read this post, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t used courier services in the past.
1. Be Timely
It’s a slow day, but a big order just came through. One of your sales representatives is taking down the customer’s information, but they take a moment to pause and ask you a question. “This client needs a big order, but they need it in 24 hours.” In the blink of an eye, one of your biggest sales just disappeared into thin air because you can’t get them what they need on time.
Nearly every business owner has found themselves facing the problem we just mentioned. Luckily, a courier service can help ensure that your customers get the items they crave in a timely manner. Courier services will help you 24/7. It doesn’t matter if your customer needs something in 24 days or 24 hours, a courier will get them what they need.
2. Save Money
If you’re a business owner, you don’t have to be told how expensive overnight shipping is. If you’ve been shipping large items without a courier, you’ve been losing money. In most cases, businesses that use traditional mailing services end up paying a lot of money for overnight shipping. In some cases, the price for shipping may exceed the overall price of the product being shipped.
Think about how much shipping large items cost when you’re doing regular shipping. The weight can add a lot of money to the original price. When you factor in weight and overnight costs, it can get very expensive. There’s also the issue that the average customer expects a lot from the companies they’re buying from.
Thanks to a world where people can purchase items with the click of a button, a lot of your customers aren’t going to want to wait an extra day or two to get their goods. If you want to retain customers, many business owners have no choice but to eat the extra cost of overnight shipping to keep their customers happy.
A courier service is on average more affordable than traditional shipping options. Aside from the fact that you save on the overall cost of shipping, you get better service and overall nice “extras.”
3. Pay For Safety
When you pay for overnight shipping the traditional way, you’re really only paying for the package to get to a location in one day. You don’t pay to ensure that the package and goods are well taken care of. You don’t put any money towards making sure it’ll get there at a certain time. You just pay to ensure that someone drops the goods off.
We’ve all received packages that seemed like they were carelessly tossed on porches or lawns. Now imagine one of your trusted customers getting damaged or broken merchandise because the delivery person was careless. When you use a courier service for shipping large items, you know that your cargo is in good hands.
They’ll treat everything they’re delivering with the utmost respect and care. You won’t have to worry about things being carelessly left in the wrong place and you’ll be guaranteed that your items will arrive on time.
This may come as a shock, but even reputable services like the United States Postal Services have admitted to having issues with internal package theft. You may think it’s difficult to steal large items, but with the right knowledge and equipment, it’s easier than you realize.
4. Pay for Options
What do you know about the USPS or FedEx worker that’s delivering packages to your customer? Can their workers do much else aside from making sure your packages get to where they need to go? If you’re shipping large items with a courier service, you’re going to have a lot of options at your disposal.
One of the best benefits of working with a courier service is the sheer amount of options you have for your delivery. If you need any kind of specialized shipping service, you should go with a courier.
Do you want a white glove delivery service that can make sure your packages arrive with style and class? A courier service can easily do that, but a postal worker can’t. Do you cater to legal clients and need packages delivered with legal process servicing? You couldn’t get that with a traditional shipping service.
5. Guarantee Deliveries
Standard shipping services have gotten better when it comes to making deliveries, but that doesn’t mean you can rely on these companies 24/7. What if you need to ship something during a major holiday, or a government holiday? Would they be able to fulfill and make a delivery that comes in at 6 pm on a Saturday evening?
A courier service is great for shipping large items at all times. It doesn’t matter if you need something sent out on Christmas Day or the weekend, a courier service has you covered.
Your Turn
Now that you know how beneficial a courier service can be, it’s time to start using one for your business! Contact us today so we can talk about your shipping needs and determine which of our services is right for you.
While you’re waiting to talk to us, check out our blog to find ways to improve your shipping. Our post about top 5 shipping problems can help ensure that you’re shipping your goods in the best way possible.