PR Firms have special needs. NeeditNow delivers.
Here are some of the things we provide for them:
- Our logistics solutions are always just in time for the event
- Ability to control costs by keeping on top of the variables that can cause delays.
- Always staying legal and compliant so as not to cause problems with venues.
- We manage inventory as needed to have on hand for your last minutes events
- Regular client updates are given so no heart attacks are created on our watch.
Public Relations firms are continuously working on new bright ideas. Sometimes these ideas develop over time and sometimes they come in a flash of lightening. When you are doing public relations for a big company and you suddenly have a bright idea that can result in a lot more revenue for your client you want to deliver it NOW.
We are very familiar with how PR firms operate and the urgent requests may arise. You may need to create an event that involves picking up 100 chairs in an hour, large speakers and a podium.
Or you are doing a photo shoot and you need signs picked up at the printers 30 minutes ago and brought to Central Park to meet the photographer and his crew. Or maybe you have some garments for a fashion show that you changed at the last minute and the show s starting in 20 minutes.
PR firms tend to need last minutes logistics – Need it Now can supply that. Our messengers and dispatchers can work out solutions to these scenarios and get the job done.